The title here could be: what is a spiritual direction session with me like? The descriptions can vary depending on the Spiritual Director and the Seeker. My work with Seekers looks like this.

The Technical Part

A person interested in working with me emails me ( and says some version of “I’m interested in the possibility of working with you in spiritual direction.

I send them a google form that invites them to tell me about themselves with short answers to some questions, and I ask them to go to my Pay from the Heart page and determine what sort of payment feels best to their heart. (What a Seeker pays for spiritual direction with me is based on this approach of paying from the heart).

I send them a Calendly link to schedule their intro session, which is free, and based on that, we make their first appointment. 

My sessions are done online through zoom at a time and on a day that works best for our respective schedules. These can usually be worked out from almost any place in the world!  Spiritual direction sessions usually happen once a month, but more or less can be worked out, too.

The Content Part

I always come to a session with some ways to move us into heart-space. Those can include: reading and reflecting on a poem or short excerpt together; looking at and viewing an image together; a guided meditation for centering and grounding, or observing a moment of silence. 

The most important content of a session is what the Seeker brings to the session. What do you love? What is important to you right now? What are you doing with your life these days? What questions keep pushing up through your heart and mind demanding attention? How are things with your soul today? Though this work is called “spiritual direction” I am not directing what happens in a session. The highest and best part of yourself is. Some call that Source, Spirit, the Universe, God, the Divine, Higher Self, Wisdom. I come looking and listening for direction to come in and through what you share. It will. It does, it its own gracious way.

The “what am I doing this for” Part

This is another question that could have so  many answers, but I find that they boil down to some version of “what am I doing in and with my life?” That can be a disturbing question. We live in a world and in many cultural and social settings where many voices have been telling us all of our lives what we should do with our lives. Those same voices show up too often with judgment over how we have failed those mandates. Asking “what am I doing with my life” can also be the very portal into joy and life. Where we begin to find our voices, our way, our sense of the journey that belongs to us. If you or someone you know is interested in this kind of personal work, share this with them. The links for getting started are all found in the opening part above.

Robert Patrick

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